How To Treat Cognitive Impairment

The human brain is a complex network of neurons and neurotransmitters. It is therefore, imperative for us to understand its working if we are to find out the causes and treat the symptoms caused by chemical imbalance in the brain. The neurotransmitters are responsible...

Alternatives To Hormone Replacement Therapy

The most serious hormonal problem faced by women is that of menopause. It is a time when the estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries is reduced. This change is accompanied by several physical effects including insomnia, hot flashes, depression, fatigue,...

5 Methods To Slow Down The Aging Process

As people hit their 30’s, a new worry starts clouding them—aging. As they see their dark locks turning grey, one strand after another, and as the dimples for which they were complimented now turn into permanent wrinkles on their cheeks, the concerns are not completely...

All You Need To Know About Cortisol

The main function of cortisol is to help the body deal with stress and its repercussions. It works by shutting down all other functions that are considered unnecessary if the body is under stress such as the immune and reproduction systems[i]. When cortisol is created...

Treating Pancreatitis Naturally

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disorder that results in severe pain to the affected. The medical condition occurs when the pancreatic enzymes are activated and start digesting the cellular wall of the pancreas. There are several signs and symptoms that can inform you...

3 Ways Of Improving Women’s Health

When it comes to women’s health, you will be surprised to find out that a lot of women’s health conditions are a result of hormonal imbalance. However, hormonal imbalance is a manifestation of a combination of factors. Being a medical problem with multi-factorial...