As people hit their 30’s, a new worry starts clouding them—aging. As they see their dark locks turning grey, one strand after another, and as the dimples for which they were complimented now turn into permanent wrinkles on their cheeks, the concerns are not completely baseless. However, running off to a cosmetic surgeon is not the answer either.

Here are a few interesting tips that will allow you to stop the clock naturally:

1.Eating Right

When it comes to staying young without indulging in artificial methods, the first thing you need to take care of is your eating habit. Eating foods that are rich in proteins such as turkey, fish, tofu, and egg whites is recommendable[i].

Proteins are responsible for controlling insulin levels, whose balance helps you avoid the risk of diseases and weight gain. Proteins also regulate blood glucose level, which is responsible for reducing stress and the stress hormone cortisol remains in check as well. All of this, in turn, is responsible for slowing down the aging process.

Moreover, including vitamin B6 and B12 in your diet will help control the anxiety and stress as well, both of which, when unchecked, fortify the aging process[ii].

2.Changes in Lifestyle

Another important way to ensure that the aging process is slowed down is to make a few changes in your lifestyle. For example, if your daily routine is not healthy and does not allow you to catch a good 8-hour sleep on a daily basis, then you must work towards changing it.

According to research, the human body is well rested during deep sleep and produces growth hormones that help you stay relaxed and functioning[iii]. If sleep patterns are disturbed for a prolonged time, other body balances are disturbed as well that might speed up the aging process for you.


Regular exercising does not only keep you in great shape, it also allows the secretion of happy hormones in your body. Since that keeps the stress away, your chances of staying youthful increase[iv]. These hormones work wonders for your skin, control weight gain, improve libido, and build muscle mass and energy levels.


Adding a few supplements in your diet can slow down the aging process for you as well. These may include olive extracts, sterinols, zinc, and whey. Also, focus on supplements that will help with collagen and elastin production such as MSM, glucosamine sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate.

5.Salivary Hormone Testing

While there are several steps, you can take to naturally slow down the aging process, it is always recommended that you get the help of a professional and have your hormones checked. The best way to measure and check the balance of hormones is the simple yet effective salivary hormone testing[v].

Not only this will help the practitioner in studying and analyzing your profile in a better way, but they will also be able to come up with a plan to deal with the aging process in a way that will be customized right according to your specific needs.

So are you looking to stop the hand of time for a while? Let me help you slow down the biological clock in a healthy, natural and drug free way. Visit LifeCraftllc to book a free 10-minute consultation on phone or Skype.

[i] Evans, W. J., & Cyr-Campbell, D. (1997). Nutrition, exercise, and healthy aging. Journal of the American Dietetic Association97(6), 632-638.

[ii] Carper, J. (1995). Stop aging now!: The ultimate plan for staying young and reversing the aging process. HarperCollins.

[iii] Takahashi, Y., Kipnis, D. M., & Daughaday, W. H. (1968). Growth hormone secretion during sleep. Journal of Clinical Investigation47(9), 2079.

[iv] Evans, W. J. (2004). Protein nutrition, exercise and aging. Journal of the American College of Nutrition23(sup6), 601S-609S.

[v] Li, G., Cherrier, M. M., Tsuang, D. W., Petrie, E. C., Colasurdo, E. A., Craft, S., … & Wilkinson, C. W. (2006). Salivary cortisol and memory function in human aging. Neurobiology of aging27(11), 1705-1714.