Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disorder that results in severe pain to the affected. The medical condition occurs when the pancreatic enzymes are activated and start digesting the cellular wall of the pancreas. There are several signs and symptoms that can inform you of the onset of the disorder. It is always better to take note of the symptoms before the situation becomes serious.

Here is a list of some of the most common signs of pancreatitis[i]:

  • Burning abdominal pain radiating into the back
  • Vomiting and nausea worsening with eating
  • Severe dehydration in case of acute pancreatitis
  • Blood pressure
  • Spike in heart and respiratory rate.
  • In case of chronic pancreatitis, low energy, diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies may occur that may lead to pancreatic cancer

Preventing Pancreatitis Naturally

Pancreatitis is a serious medical situation and if you want to prevent the onset of this disorder, you can take the following precautionary measures:

Making Changes in Diet

Always follow diet plans that are anti-inflammatory, which means the food should be sugar free, low in grains, and processed meals. Instead, your diet should contain antioxidants, good fat sources, fiber, clean proteins, and fermented foods[ii].

You must always avoid alcohol, food allergens, and alcohol. Using such items can lead to worsening of your condition if you are already inflicted with pancreatitis. In case you are at risk of developing pancreatitis or have gall bladder stones, then making coconut oil your primary source of fatty acids will be a good option as the medium and smaller fatty acid chains are more easily metabolized[iii]. There is no need of high levels of pancreatic enzymes and bile. This way, the stress on the pancreas and gall bladder will not be much, ensuring their normal functioning.

Alleviating Pancreatitis

While there are several medical routes to be taken once you are diagnosed with pancreatitis, instead of going for drugs and therapy, you can also treat the condition through natural means. Here are some drug free ways of treating pancreatitis[iv]:

  • Use water with anti-oxidant extract for proper detoxification. You must avoid the intake of solid foods in any case. Moreover, avoid fatty foods, high sugar, and protein content. This is essential because all such foods need specific enzymes for their proper digestion.
  • Another way to deal with pancreatitis is to use herbal extracts such as milk thistle, turmeric, ginger, holy basil, and dandelion. Taking these herbs in fermented forms with probiotics, enzymes, and organic acids is a great option as it allows optimal absorption. Simply, it is also recommended to drink organic herbal teas and lemon water as they create a soothing effect on the pancreatic duct.

Pancreatic Enzyme Therapies

While using the above-mentioned natural and drug-free ways is great to deal with the enzyme imbalance of the pancreas, you can always go for pancreatic enzyme balancing therapies. When carried out by a professional, the therapies can work wonders for your health. Aiming for natural hormone balance is essential as it may lead to final recovery.

If you are looking for effective recovery for pancreatitis, then let me help you in finding out the underlying cause of your health condition and resolve it in a drug free way. Visit LifeCraftllc to book a free 10-minute consultation on phone or Skype.

[i] Ranson, J. H., & Spencer, F. C. (1977). Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pancreatic abscess. Surgery82(1), 99-106.

[ii] Lankisch, P. G., Löhr-Happe, A., Otto, J., & Creutzfeldt, W. (1993). Natural course in chronic pancreatitis. Digestion54(3), 148-155.


[iii] Kelly, T. R., & Wagner, D. S. (1988). Gallstone pancreatitis: a prospective randomized trial of the timing of surgery. Surgery104(4), 600.


[iv] Strate, T., Knoefel, W., Yekebas, E., & Izbicki, J. (2003). Chronic pancreatitis: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. International journal of colorectal disease18(2), 97-106.