When it comes to women’s health, you will be surprised to find out that a lot of women’s health conditions are a result of hormonal imbalance. However, hormonal imbalance is a manifestation of a combination of factors. Being a medical problem with multi-factorial reasons working behind it, there are various conditions that can trigger the onset of a hormonal imbalance. These include medical history, improper diet, stress, genetics, and being exposed to environmental toxins.

Some of the most common factors responsible for disturbing the hormonal balance in women include:

  • Being obese or overweight
  • Gut issues and food allergies
  • Genetic susceptibility
  • Inflammations caused by sedentary lifestyle and poor diet
  • Lack of sleep resulting in stress
  • Toxicity

Here are some natural ways to deal with hormonal imbalance:

1.Healthy Eating

The human body needs different kinds of fats in order to form hormones using cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Such fats are not only required as the building blocks of hormones but are great at keeping the inflammations at bay along with boosting metabolism along with letting you shed a few extra pounds[i].

Following are some of the best sources of fats with anti-inflammatory qualities:

  • Coconut oil
  • Wild-caught salmon
  • Grass-fed butter
  • Avocados

You are advised to add these fat rich food items in your diet for great results. Moreover, vitamin D can do wonders for your hormonal health. According to a research article from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, better health is ensured if sufficient amount of vitamin D3 is added to your diet[ii].

2.Elimination of the Toxic products

A lot of the products that you use on daily basis contain toxic elements. Mostly these include body care products but some of the kitchen products are also toxic[iii]. The chemicals, which are reported to have toxic effects, include parabens, DEA, sodium lauryl sufate, and propylene glycol. Most of these are found in body care products that we use on out skin on a daily basis. These can trigger hormonal imbalance. The best way to deal with this situation is to use natural products such as shea butter, coconut oil, and castor oil in place of toxic commercial products.


Another useful and completely natural way to deal with hormonal balance is to exercise. High intensity interval training can work wonders for your body in this regard, if you are looking for a silver bullet to address a plethora of problems, including weight gain, disruptive hormones, menopause, PMS, sluggish metabolism, and other women’s health issues[iv]. Moreover, it also lowers stress, regulates appetite, helps with better sleep cycle, and releases the happy hormones in your body as well. In short, it improves health in general.

Apart from the above methods, you can also curtail your caffeine intake and improve your lifestyle as these subtle changes can bring your hormones back on track. If you are looking for professional advice, then let me help you in finding out the underlying cause of your health condition and resolve it in a drug free way. Visit LifeCraftllc to book a free 10-minute consultation on phone or Skype.

[i] Study, T. W. S. H. I. (1998). Design of the women’s health initiative clinical trial and observational study. Controlled clinical trials19(1), 61-109.

[ii] Holick, M. F., & Chen, T. C. (2008). Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences. The American journal of clinical nutrition87(4), 1080S-1086S.


[iii] Hines, E. P., Calafat, A. M., Silva, M. J., Mendola, P., & Fenton, S. E. (2009). Concentrations of phthalate metabolites in milk, urine, saliva, and serum of lactating North Carolina women. Environmental health perspectives117(1), 86.

[iv] Vertinsky, P. (1998). “Run, Jane, run”: Central tensions in the current debate about enhancing women’s health through exercise. Women & Health27(4), 81-111.