Even a minor change in hormones can manifest into deep-rooted medical conditions. Similarly, there are several conditions that can trigger the onset of hormonal imbalance including stress. A complete consultation involves checking the lifestyle and symptoms of the patient followed by a detailed medical examination. One testing method that plays a crucial role in determining the hormonal state is salivary hormone testing[1].

Salivary Hormone Testing

First described in the year 1959, this method of hormone testing has since been proven as a highly effective technique with the publication of over 1,000 papers on the topic[2]. This works especially for the steroid hormones that are almost always found in saliva. These steroid hormones cover the hormones produced by the ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands[3].

Steroid Hormones

These hormones are produced in extremely small amounts, from which about 98 to 99 percent is absorbed in the first blood circulation. Since the hormone is, already in negligible quantities, and even most of it gets absorbed, not enough of the material reaches are veins and therefore, it cannot be detected from venous blood[4].

However, steroid hormones can be detected from saliva from the capillary bed that is located in the salivary gland and contains significant amount of the steroid hormones. Therefore, salivary hormone testing allows the development of a baseline salivary hormone level.

Why Salivary Testing?

Until recently, the standard method used for hormone testing had been the blood serum test. While this method had several advantages such as being applicable to a variety of hormone testing, costing of the test covered under insurance, and FDA approved methodology, there were a few disadvantages as well. These disadvantages include:

  • Insertion of needle in the arm makes the procedure stressful for the patients
  • Requires a Phlebotomist as well as specimen centrifugation is needed
  • Most of the times, it measures only the bio available and total hormone fraction in the blood
  • The test is inappropriate for testing sex hormones, as it does not make any distinction between free and bound hormones.

Considering the disadvantages, a new method of testing was required and that came in the form of salivary testing. It has the following advantages over the blood serum test:

  • Simple and stress free
  • Non-invasive
  • Free as well unbound but biologically active hormones are also measured
  • Hormones stay stable in the saliva
  • No processing needed
  • Ideal for evaluating estrogens and progesterone.

Most importantly, it can be carried out within the privacy of your home.

Therefore, we suggest drug free therapy that is properly crafted and customized according to the particular needs of a patient that are determined only after a salivary hormone testing right in the comfort and privacy of your home. Visit LifeCraftllc to book a free 10-minute consultation on phone or Skype.

[1] De Villiers, T. J., Pines, A., Panay, N., Gambacciani, M., Archer, D. F., Baber, R. J., … & Lobo, R. A. (2013). Updated 2013 International Menopause Society recommendations on menopausal hormone therapy and preventive strategies for midlife health. Climacteric16(3), 316-337.

[2] Quissell, D. O. (1993). Steroid hormone analysis in human saliva. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences694(1), 143-145.

[3] Pfaffe, T., Cooper-White, J., Beyerlein, P., Kostner, K., & Punyadeera, C. (2011). Diagnostic potential of saliva: current state and future applications. Clinical chemistry57(5), 675-687.

[4] Quissell, D. O. (1993). Steroid hormone analysis in human saliva. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences694(1), 143-145.