Even though herpes is not a disease with life threatening consequences, but it is still persistent, pervasive, painful, and definitely embarrassing. As per the resources, the viral disease has attacked around 60 to 90 percent of the total US population and the numbers will only increase[i]. While it had remained overshadowed by other dangerous illnesses such as AIDS, its harms were only later discussed in detail when herpes lesions were reported to have the power of increasing the risks of contracting AIDS[ii].

Traditional Curing of Herpes

Unfortunately, the traditional methods of controlling, avoiding, and treating herpes have been proven to be rather risky. Most of the current prescriptions available for herpes treatment are not only expensive but also rather ineffective in case of certain individuals. Moreover, they are said to have severe side effects as well. Therefore, it is only natural to look for natural methods to treat the present symptoms of the illness as well as avoid the future outbreaks of herpes[iii].

Stress—the major cause of Herpes

Once the herpes virus enters a person’s system, there are chances of it remaining dormant unless it attacks again. In most cases, the herpes virus is triggered if there is weakness in immunity. One of the most common reasons behind a weak immunity is stress. Therefore, avoiding stress can save you from Herpes.

Other major triggering agents of herpes include menstrual periods, sunburn, sun exposure, and illness or fever. Controlling Herpes Naturally

There are millions of people affected by this viral disease such as genital and facial herpes. However, here are some practical tips that can help you in preventing and controlling herpes:

  • Simple changes in lifestyle and diet of the patient can work wonders
  • Taking in minerals, condition-specific amino acids[iv], vitamins, and herbal supplements also form the part of natural remedies
  • Looking for other methods as well, such as yoga and meditation
  • Opting for natural remedies for the treatment of related medical conditions, such as canker sores, shingles, and mouth ulcers

Treating Herpes with essential Supplements

Herpes can be treated by the addition of the following essential supplements in your diet:

  • B Complex
  • Lysine
  • Vitamin C
  • Licorice root
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin E

Treating Herpes with Essential Foods

Here are some food items that are considered essential for naturally treating the viral disease—herpes[v]:

  • Garlic
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Fresh and organic vegetables, yellow and green, preferably cooked
  • Fresh and organic fruits but not citrus fruits
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains such as millet
  • Seaweeds including, hijiki, kombu, arame, and dulse
  • [vi]

Are you facing the embarrassing symptoms of herpes but do not want to run the risk of deteriorating your health condition further by opting for medicine? Then do not fret and let me help you in finding out the underlying cause of your health condition and resolving it in a drug free way. Visit LifeCraftllc to book a free 10-minute consultation on phone or Skype.

[i] Burgoon, C. F., Burgoon, J. S., & Baldridge, G. D. (1957). The natural history of herpes zoster. Journal of the American Medical Association164(3), 265-269.

[ii] Whitley, R. J., Nahmias, A. J., Visintine, A. M., Fleming, C. L., Alford, C. A., Yeager, A., … & Luby, J. (1980). The natural history of herpes simplex virus infection of mother and newborn. Pediatrics66(4), 489-494.

[iii] Clark, W. D. (2003). Treating Herpes Naturally.

[iv] Beauchamp, L. M., Orr, G. F., de Miranda, D. P., Bumette, T., & Krenitsky, T. A. (1992). Amino acid ester prodrugs of acyclovir. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy3(3), 157-164.

[v] Gaby, A. R. (2006). Natural remedies for Herpes simplex. Alternative medicine review11(2), 93.

[vi] Gaby, A. R. (2006). Natural remedies for Herpes simplex. Alternative medicine review11(2), 93.